We partnered up with Rocket Responder to producer a promotional video that featured a Customer Success Story for Lita’s Sea Glass Jewelry. We traveled out to West Island in Fairhaven, MA, with our team along with Carla and her beautiful daughter. We were able to shoot a fun and creative story about Carla and the passion for her business.
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Montage Media was competing with a few video production studios in California and Toronto to attain Rocket Responder as a client. The California and Toronto studios quoted Rocket Responder about $25,000 for the production job. We were able to produce the video for half of that.
Montage Media called in our sister company, New England Aerial Video, located in New Bedford, MA, to shoot aerial video. New England Aerial Video used their DJI Inspire 1 quad copter, or as some like to call it a drone, with dual controller to shoot awesome shots from the sky. A dual controller allows for more creative shots because one pilots the drone and the other person controls the camera movements and settings.
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Rocket Responder is currently using the video we produced on their home page.
